7 Secrets to Improve Mental Health: A Journey to Find Yourself

12 min readJan 13, 2024


Have you ever wondered why life sometimes feels confusing and difficult? Sometimes, we lose direction in our journey to find happiness and mental health. But, are you ready to face and overcome pain, mistakes and fears? In this article, I will guide you through “7 Practices for Mental Health,” a path toward self-knowledge and self-love. You will discover how to forgive, love, and live each moment to the fullest. Get ready to explore yourself at a deeper level and find the key to a happier life. Are you ready?

1. Face Your Pain

How to Recognize and Cope with Emotional Pain in a Healthy Way

Hey there! 🌟 Let’s talk about something we often try to hide — our pain. You know, pain isn’t just a “boo-boo” on your knee or a headache. It’s also the ouch we feel inside, like when we’re really sad or scared. But guess what? It’s totally okay to feel this way. We all do!

So, how can we know we’re hurting inside? Well, it’s like having an inner alarm. Sometimes you might feel super grumpy for no reason 🙁, or maybe you don’t want to hang out with your friends. Or you can’t stop thinking about something that makes you sad or mad. That’s your heart saying, “Hey, I’m in pain here!”

Now, facing this pain, it’s like being a brave knight facing a dragon. 🐉 It sounds scary, but it’s super important. The first step? Just letting yourself feel sad or upset. It’s like saying, “Hello pain, I see you.” Don’t try to push it away or pretend it’s not there. It’s like giving your heart a big hug and saying, “It’s okay to feel this way.” 🤗

And remember, it’s okay to cry or to talk to someone about how you feel. Sharing your feelings is like opening a window in a stuffy room — it lets fresh air in and makes things better. 🌬️

A Personal Experience of Overcoming Pain

I’ll share a little story with you. Once, I felt really down because my best friend moved away. I missed them so much, and I felt like I had a little raincloud over my head all the time. ☔ But then, I decided to face this sad feeling. I talked to my family about how much I missed my friend, and guess what? They hugged me, listened, and helped me feel better.

I also did something cool — I wrote letters to my friend and told them how much I missed them. And you know what? Writing those letters made the raincloud start to go away. I realized it’s okay to miss someone, but it’s also okay to be happy and make new friends. 💌

So, my friend, remember, it’s okay to feel pain. It’s a part of life. But facing it, feeling it, and sharing it — that’s like having a superpower. It helps you heal and grow stronger, just like a superhero! 💪 And always remember, you’re not alone. We’re all in this big, beautiful world together, and it’s okay to lean on each other. 🌍💕

2. Learn from Your Mistakes

Why Mistakes Can Be Valuable Lessons

Ever made a boo-boo and felt super bad about it? 🙈 We all have! But here’s a little secret: those oops moments? They’re actually golden! Yep, you heard that right. Every time we goof up, we get a chance to learn something awesome.

Think of it like playing a video game. 🎮 When you miss a jump or get zapped, you figure out a new strategy, right? Mistakes in real life are just like that. They’re not stop signs, they’re detours to a better way!

So, why are these slip-ups so valuable? Well, they’re like little beacons of light 💡 showing us what we need to work on. Maybe it’s patience, or maybe it’s being more careful with words. Whatever it is, that “Oops!” is actually saying, “Hey, here’s something you can get even better at!”

A Personal Story of Learning From a Mistake

Okay, story time! 📖 Once, I totally messed up at work. I sent an email to the wrong person — yikes! 😬 At first, I felt like crawling under a rock. But then, I took a deep breath and faced the music.

I apologized, fixed what I could, and guess what? I learned two amazing things. First, owning up to a mistake is super brave and feels good. It’s like saying, “Yep, I’m human!” And people really respect that. 😌

Second, I learned to double-check my emails before hitting send. Now, I’m the king of careful emailing. 👑 It was a small mistake, but it taught me a big lesson in paying attention to detail and taking responsibility.

So, remember, when you trip up, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, ask, “What can I learn from this?” Turn that whoopsie into a wow moment. You’ll be amazed at how much you can grow just by embracing those little hiccups in life. And hey, that’s what makes our journey super exciting! 🚀💫

3. Don’t Blame Others

The Negative Impact of Blaming Others on Mental Health

Let’s chat about something we’ve all done — blaming others. Ever had a bad day and thought, “Ugh, it’s all their fault!”? It’s super easy to point fingers when things go south. But here’s the kicker: blaming others can actually be like a boomerang for our mental health. 🔄

When we blame someone else, it’s like we’re giving away our power. We’re saying, “You control my happiness.” But guess what? That’s not true! We’re the bosses of our own feelings. 🎮

Blaming also traps us in a cycle of negativity. It’s like carrying a backpack full of rocks. It weighs us down and stops us from moving forward. Every time we blame someone, we add another rock. Pretty soon, we’re so weighed down, we can’t climb out of our grumpy pit. 🎒

But here’s the good news: when we stop blaming, we take back our power! We start to see that we can control how we react and feel. And that, my friends, is like putting on a cape and soaring out of that pit. 🦸‍♂️

Learning to Take Responsibility Instead of Blaming

Okay, story time! 📖 Once, I totally messed up a project. My first thought? “It’s all because my teammate didn’t do their part!” I was all ready to play the blame game.

But then, I took a step back and thought, “Wait a minute, isn’t this partly on me too?” I realized I hadn’t communicated clearly and didn’t check on their progress. Oops! 😅

So, I rolled up my sleeves and talked to my teammate. We figured out where things went wonky and fixed it together. And you know what? It felt awesome to take charge and solve the problem instead of just whining about it.

From that day on, I learned a super important lesson: taking responsibility is like being the captain of your ship. Sure, the waters might get choppy, but you’re the one steering. 🚢

So, next time you feel like blaming someone, take a pause. Ask yourself, “What’s my part in this?” It’s not always easy, but it’s a giant step towards being a happier, healthier you. And remember, we’re all in this crazy boat together, so let’s sail it with kindness and understanding. ⛵❤️

4. Free Yourself From Judgments

The Importance of Self-Love and Acceptance to Avoid Judging Others

Let’s dive into a topic that’s super important — loving and accepting ourselves just the way we are. You know, it’s really easy to look at someone else and make a snap judgment, like “Oh, they’re this” or “They’re that.” But here’s a little secret: often, the way we judge others is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. 🤔

When we’re tough on ourselves, nitpicking every little thing, guess what? We’re likely to be just as hard on others. It’s like wearing grumpy glasses that make everything look bad. 🤓 But when we start loving and accepting ourselves, something magical happens — those glasses come off!

Imagine looking in the mirror and saying, “Hey, I’m pretty awesome just the way I am!” That’s self-love. It’s like giving yourself a big, warm hug every day. 🤗 And when you’re in that happy, self-love zone, you start seeing others in a brighter light too.

A Practical Exercise to Learn Not to Judge Others

Ready for a little exercise to help with this? Alright, let’s go! 🏋️‍♂️ Next time you find yourself about to judge someone, pause for a moment. Think to yourself, “What if that person is just like me, trying their best?” This is like putting on empathy shoes and walking a mile in them. 👟

Here’s something else you can try: for one whole day, make a promise to yourself not to judge anyone (yourself included!). Each time you catch yourself starting to judge, just say, “Nope, not today!” and switch that thought to something positive. 🚫💭

You might be surprised at how good you feel at the end of the day. It’s like letting go of a heavy bag you didn’t even know you were carrying. And the best part? The more you practice this, the easier it gets, and the more you’ll feel at peace with yourself and the world around you. ✨

So, remember, self-love and acceptance are the keys to unlocking a less judgmental world. When we’re kind to ourselves, it’s a whole lot easier to be kind to others. Let’s spread that love and light, one non-judgmental moment at a time! 💖🌍

5. Learn How to Forgive

Why Forgiveness is Essential for Mental Health and Happiness

Forgiveness is a superpower! It’s like having a magic eraser that can wipe away the scribbles of hurt and anger from our hearts. 🧹✨

You see, holding onto grudges or being mad at someone is like carrying a heavy backpack everywhere you go. It’s tiring, right? But when you forgive, it’s like you’re taking off that heavy backpack. Suddenly, you feel lighter and, guess what, happier too! 😊

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you’re saying what happened was okay. Nope. It means you’re choosing peace and happiness over anger and hurt. It’s like choosing to fly in the clear blue sky instead of walking through a thorny bush. 🕊️

And here’s the cool part: forgiveness is good for your health too! It can help your heart, keep you calm, and even help you sleep better. It’s like a health potion for your mind, body, and soul.

A Personal Journey of Forgiving Others and Myself

Let me share a little story with you. Once, I had a big argument with my friend. I felt really hurt and upset. For days, I carried that anger with me like a heavy stone in my heart. 🌧️

But then, I decided to try forgiveness. I sat down, took a deep breath, and imagined letting go of that heavy stone. I thought about my friend and realized they’re just like me — not perfect, but trying their best. I decided to forgive them, and you know what? I felt a wave of relief wash over me. 🌊

But here’s the twist — I also had to forgive myself. Yep, sometimes we need to do that too. I had to let go of my own mistakes and be kind to myself. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

So, friends, if you’re holding onto hurt or anger, think about giving forgiveness a try. It might just be the key to unlocking a happier, healthier you. Remember, forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, and you deserve it! 🎁💖

6. Hold the Divinity in Life

Discovering and Appreciating Everyday Spiritual Moments

Spirituality doesn’t necessarily mean religious practices or meditating on a mountaintop (though those are great too!). It’s about finding deeper meaning and connection in our daily lives. It’s like finding secret messages of love and joy in ordinary things. 💌

Think about it — the way sunlight dances on your kitchen table, the giggle of a child, the comforting aroma of your morning coffee. These are not just random things; they represent moments of connection, of being part of something bigger. Like tiny sparkles of magic in the mundane. ✨

A Simple Practice to Recognize Sacred Moments

Let me share a little practice that can help you spot these spiritual moments. It’s pretty simple and, guess what, it’s quite fun! Ready? Here we go:

  1. Pick a Daily Activity: Choose something you do every day, like drinking your morning tea or walking to the bus stop.
  2. Slow Down and Observe: As you engage in this activity, slow down. Yes, literally slow down your actions and thoughts. 🐢
  3. Engage Your Senses: Focus on your senses. What do you see, hear, smell, feel, or even taste? Is there a pattern in the leaves you never noticed? A melody in the sounds of the street?
  4. Find the Connection: Now, think about how this moment connects you to the world. Maybe it’s the tea leaves grown in a distant land or the laughter of a stranger that reminds you of shared joy.
  5. Express Gratitude: Lastly, take a moment to feel grateful for this connection. A simple ‘thank you’ whispered under your breath can be powerful. 🌟

So, friends, let’s embrace the spiritual in our everyday lives. It’s about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. When you start noticing these moments, life becomes a beautiful journey of discovery and appreciation. It’s like having a secret superpower that turns ordinary moments into something extraordinary. Go ahead, give it a try, and watch your world transform with sprinkles of spiritual wonder! 🌈✨

7. Live in the Present

Embracing the Present Moment for Mental Well-being

Let’s chat about something truly life-changing — living in the present moment. Have you ever noticed how often we’re either stuck in the past or dreaming about the future?

Living in the present is all about fully experiencing the ‘now’. It’s like turning up the volume on life. Every sound, sight, and feeling gets more vivid. It’s not just about seeing the world; it’s about really feeling it. 🌏💖

A Simple Exercise to Stay Present

Here’s a little something you can do to help stay in the moment. It’s easy and oh-so-rewarding. Are you ready to give it a try? Let’s go!

  1. Pause and Breathe: Wherever you are, just pause. Take a deep breath in, hold it for a second, and let it out slowly. Feel the air moving in and out of your lungs. This is your moment to just ‘be’. 🍃
  2. Observe Your Surroundings: Look around you. What do you see? Maybe it’s the way the light falls on your desk, or the sound of birds outside your window. Notice these little details and appreciate them. They are your anchors to the present. ⚓
  3. Acknowledge Your Thoughts: It’s okay if your mind wanders. That’s what minds do! Gently bring your focus back to the present. It’s not about fighting your thoughts; it’s about acknowledging them and then letting them pass like clouds in the sky. ☁️
  4. Connect with Your Senses: Touch something near you. How does it feel? Is it smooth, rough, warm, or cold? This is a fantastic way to ground yourself in the now.
  5. Express Gratitude: Finally, think of one thing you’re grateful for right this second. It could be as simple as the air you breathe or the chair you’re sitting on. Gratitude is a powerful way to embrace the present. 🌟

Remember, friends, living in the present isn’t about ignoring the past or future. It’s about finding balance and enjoying where you are right now. So, let’s make the most of each moment. After all, it’s the little moments that make life big. Here’s to living a vibrant, present-focused life! 🎉✨


And there we have it — a journey through seven transformative steps to enhance your mental health and rediscover yourself. We’ve traversed the landscapes of emotional pain, learned the art of turning mistakes into lessons, and embraced the power of taking responsibility over blaming others. We’ve discovered the liberating act of freeing ourselves from judgments, the healing magic of forgiveness, and the enchanting spirituality in everyday life. Finally, we’ve anchored ourselves in the empowering practice of living in the present.

Remember, improving your mental health is not a one-time task, but a continuous journey of self-love, understanding, and growth.



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