Forgiving My 20s: The Career Mistakes That Taught Me to Embrace My Journey

13 min readMar 21, 2024


Imagine being in your 20s, fresh-faced and eager, but also making decisions that make you cringe years later. Sounds familiar, right? In this journey through my career missteps, we dive into the tough lessons that came from decisions made when ambition often outpaced wisdom. From stretching myself too thin across multiple jobs for the sake of experience, to failing to stand up for my own needs in the workplace, these stories are raw and real. But here’s the twist: each mistake was a stepping stone, a story of growth and self-forgiveness. Ever gambled your health for success, or stayed silent when you should’ve spoken up? How about losing touch with friends because you were too busy chasing a dream? I’ve been there. This is a tale of missteps turned milestones, and the ultimate lesson that embracing and learning from our flaws can lead us to a richer, more fulfilled life. Curious to see how these blunders turned into valuable life lessons? Let’s dive in and find out together.


Ah, your 20s — a time when the world seems like your oyster, filled with endless opportunities and adventures waiting just around the corner. It’s a decade of exploration, of pushing boundaries, and often, of making decisions that, in hindsight, might make us facepalm 🤦‍♂️. But hey, that’s the beauty of being young, right? We’re supposed to take risks, chase dreams, and occasionally, stumble along the way.

In this journey through my own rollercoaster of career missteps, I invite you to walk with me down memory lane. A lane where ambition often raced ahead of wisdom, where the desire to make a mark sometimes led to choices that weren’t, let’s say, the most well-thought-out. From juggling too many jobs at once for the sake of experience, to moments of silence when my voice should have been the loudest in the room, each story is a piece of the puzzle that is my 20s.

But here’s the kicker: every mistake, every facepalm moment, was a stepping stone. A lesson in disguise. Ever gambled your health for a shot at success? Or kept quiet when every fiber of your being screamed to speak up? Maybe you’ve watched friendships fade because your career took the front seat? I’ve been there, done that, and got the T-shirt.

This isn’t just a tale of missteps; it’s a story of growth, self-forgiveness, and ultimately, embracing the perfectly imperfect journey that shapes us. So, if you’re curious to see how a series of blunders transformed into invaluable life lessons, buckle up. Let’s dive into this adventure together and discover the silver lining in every ‘oops’ moment of our 20s.

Chapter 1: Gambled Health for Experience

Once upon a time, in the not-so-far-off land of Early Career Choices, I found myself swept up in the whirlwind of ambition. Fresh out of college, I was eager to carve my path, to stand out, to be someone. And in my mind, the only way to do that was to gain as much experience as possible, as quickly as possible. So, what did I do? I bit off way more than I could chew.

I landed myself not one, not two, but three jobs. Yes, you read that right — three jobs, simultaneously. My schedule was a Tetris game from hell, juggling tasks from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM at one job, only to dive into the next from 10 PM to 6 AM. This madness went on for over two years. I was a machine, powered by caffeine and the burning desire to prove myself.

But machines break down, and so did I. The lack of sleep wasn’t just a minor inconvenience; it became a shadow that followed me everywhere, clouding my judgment, straining my relationships, and turning my health into a ticking time bomb. My digestive system waved white flags, and my mental health was on a roller coaster with more downs than ups.

The epiphany came hard and fast. One morning, as I stared at my haggard reflection, I realized the price of my ambition might be my wellbeing. Was it worth it? In the grand scheme of things, no. The experience I gained was invaluable, yes, but it could never outweigh the cost of my health.

This chapter of my life taught me a lesson I hold close to my heart: your health is your true wealth. No amount of success, recognition, or money can replace the feeling of simply being well, both mentally and physically. It’s a lesson I learned the hard way, but it’s one that has reshaped my approach to work, ambition, and life itself.

Chapter 2: Saying Yes to Everything

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of early career enthusiasm, I found myself nodding along to every request, every project, every single opportunity that knocked on my door. “Yes” became my mantra, my automatic response, whether it was taking on extra tasks, volunteering for committees, or jumping into roles that weren’t even mine to fill. Why? Because I was driven by a deep-seated fear of missing out and a belief that building a diverse portfolio was the key to success. 🌟

At first, this approach seemed to pay off. My resume was a patchwork of experiences, my portfolio a kaleidoscope of projects. But soon, the cracks began to show. I was stretched thinner than a piece of tracing paper, my work-life balance was a concept as foreign as Mars, and the quality of my output began to dip. It wasn’t just about being busy; it was about being unproductively busy, pouring energy into a bottomless pit with diminishing returns.

The turning point came when I found myself agreeing to a project I knew, in my gut, was doomed from the start. It wasn’t just outside my wheelhouse; it was in another universe. Yet, I said yes. Halfway through, as I struggled to make sense of tasks I had no business undertaking, the realization hit me like a truck: Saying yes to everything wasn’t the key to success; it was a one-way ticket to burnout. 🚒

Learning to say no was not an overnight transformation. It was a journey fraught with guilt, second-guessing, and a fair share of FOMO. But gradually, I discovered the power of boundaries. Saying no meant saying yes to projects that truly resonated with me, dedicating my energy to tasks where I could make a real difference, and most importantly, reclaiming my time and sanity. This shift didn’t just improve my work quality; it enriched my life.

Chapter 3: Avoiding Self-Advocacy

In this world that often feels like a constant competition, speaking up for oneself in the workplace can sometimes feel like navigating a minefield blindfolded. There was a time when I thought that keeping my head down, working hard, and letting my results speak for themselves was enough. I believed that meritocracy would prevail, that recognition and reward would naturally follow hard work. But as deadlines blurred into more deadlines, and my efforts seemed to dissolve into the background, a harsh truth dawned on me: if I didn’t advocate for myself, nobody would.

The internal conflict was real. On one side, there was the fear of appearing pushy or entitled; on the other, the frustration of feeling undervalued and overlooked. The middle ground seemed as elusive as a mirage in the desert. This tug-of-war continued until a mentor of mine shared a piece of advice that struck a chord: “If you don’t value your work and contributions, don’t expect others to.”

Taking this to heart, I began small, practicing in the mirror, then with friends, gradually building the courage to articulate my value and contributions in a professional setting. The first few attempts were clumsy, my voice quivering more than I’d like to admit. But with each conversation, each request for feedback, each discussion about career progression, a surprising thing happened — I began to find my voice.

Self-advocacy didn’t mean demanding praise at every turn or stomping my foot down for unwarranted raises. It was about clearly communicating my achievements, seeking opportunities for growth, and setting clear expectations with my managers. It was about respecting my work enough to believe it deserved recognition and acting on that belief.

The journey from avoiding self-advocacy to embracing it was transformative. It taught me that the value we bring to our work isn’t just in the tasks we complete but in our ability to stand up for our contributions, to recognize our worth, and to communicate it effectively. This wasn’t just about career growth; it was a lesson in self-respect and personal empowerment.

Chapter 4: Sacrificing Relationships for Career

In the hustle and bustle of climbing the career ladder, it’s all too easy to let personal relationships slip through the cracks. I learned this the hard way. My 20s were a blur of deadlines, meetings, and a relentless pursuit of success. My motto? Work hard, then work some more. Friends? Family? They’d understand, wouldn’t they? After all, I was building a future.

But as the years rolled by, the cost of my ambition became painfully clear. Birthdays missed turned into holidays forgotten, and slowly, the texts from friends became less frequent. “Busy” became my standard reply, a shield against the guilt of neglecting the people who mattered most. It wasn’t until a dear friend gently confronted me, saying, “You’re always building your future, but at what cost?” that I paused to take stock.

The realization hit like a ton of bricks. In my quest for professional success, I had sidelined my personal life, assuming those relationships would always be there, waiting for me to have time. The truth was stark: time waits for no one, and relationships, much like plants, need nurturing to grow.

The journey back to balance was slow and deliberate. It started with small steps: prioritizing, setting boundaries at work, and most importantly, learning to say no. Gradually, I began to rebuild the bridges I had burned, reaching out, making amends, and showing up, both physically and emotionally, for the people I had taken for granted. It was a lesson in humility, in understanding that success isn’t just measured by career milestones but by the richness of the relationships we cultivate along the way.

Chapter 5: Missteps in Professional Relationships

Navigating workplace dynamics is akin to walking a tightrope. Lean too much one way, and you’re too aloof; sway the other, and you’re not taking things seriously enough. My journey was no different. I’ve stumbled, faltered, and learned invaluable lessons in professionalism and authenticity.

One of my most significant missteps was failing to maintain professional boundaries. In my eagerness to be liked and to fit in, I blurred the lines between professional and personal relationships at work. Jokes that were too casual, sharing personal stories that were too intimate — actions I thought would endear me to colleagues sometimes did the opposite. It wasn’t long before I realized the importance of professionalism, of maintaining a balance that respects both the individual and the collective workspace.

Conversely, I also learned the hard way that being too rigid, too formal, can be just as damaging. There was a time when I hid so much of myself in the quest to be seen as “professional” that I came across as unapproachable, someone not open to collaboration or new ideas. Finding the sweet spot between being authentic and maintaining professional decorum was a journey of trial and error.

Through these experiences, I learned that professionalism doesn’t mean erasing your personality. Instead, it’s about adapting and understanding the context, knowing when to share and when to listen, when to lead and when to follow. Authenticity, on the other hand, is about bringing your true self to your work, in a way that’s respectful and considerate of the diverse workplace we navigate. It’s a delicate balance, but one that’s essential for creating a work environment that’s not only productive but also supportive and inclusive.

Chapter 6: Misunderstanding Career Progression

In the early stages of my career, I was under the impression that success looked like a straight line upwards. You know, start from the bottom, climb up rung by rung, and eventually, you’ll reach the top. Simple, right? Wrong. I quickly learned that career progression is more like a game of Chutes and Ladders than a straightforward climb.

I used to believe that focusing solely on deepening my technical skills was the key. If I could just be the best at my job, recognition and promotions would naturally follow. However, this narrow view led me down a path of frustration when I realized that being technically proficient wasn’t enough. I was stuck in the same spot, watching others move ahead, not because they were necessarily better at the job, but because they had a broader skill set. They could communicate effectively, lead projects, and navigate workplace dynamics with ease.

This realization hit me hard. I started to see that my understanding of career progression was flawed. It wasn’t just about going up; it was about growing out. Broadening my skills, stepping out of my comfort zone, and embracing the messy, nonlinear nature of career growth became my new focus. 🌱

Embracing this new perspective, I sought opportunities to develop soft skills, volunteer for cross-departmental projects, and take on roles that scared me a little (okay, a lot). Each lateral move enriched my understanding of the business, expanded my network, and, surprisingly, led to more fulfilling work. I learned that success isn’t just a title or a salary grade; it’s about the journey, the growth, and the person you become along the way.

Chapter 7: The Fear of Asking Questions

Ah, the fear of asking questions — my old nemesis. There was a time when I equated asking questions with admitting defeat. I thought that by asking, I was shining a spotlight on my ignorance, revealing to everyone that I wasn’t as smart or capable as they thought. This fear kept me silent, nodding along in meetings, pretending to understand discussions that might as well have been in a foreign language. 🤐

But here’s the kicker: the more I avoided asking questions, the more I struggled in silence. Projects took longer to complete, small misunderstandings turned into big mistakes, and the gap in my knowledge only widened. The turning point came during a particularly complex project where my silence nearly resulted in a costly error. It was a wake-up call. I realized that not asking questions didn’t make me seem smarter; it was actually holding me back.

So, I started small. “Could you clarify that point?” led to “Why is this step necessary?” which eventually turned into “What if we tried this approach?” With each question, my fear diminished, and my understanding grew. What I once saw as a spotlight of ignorance became a beacon of curiosity. 🕵️‍♂️

Embracing curiosity transformed my approach to learning and working. It opened up dialogues, fostered innovation, and, most importantly, demystified the idea that asking questions was a sign of weakness. It’s quite the opposite; asking questions is a strength, a tool for growth, and a way to connect deeply with your work and your colleagues.

In the end, both of these journeys taught me valuable lessons. Redefining success and overcoming the fear of asking questions were crucial steps in my career development, shaping me into a more confident, curious, and well-rounded professional.

Chapter 8: Excessive Trust in Others

In the tapestry of my career, woven with both vibrant successes and somber failures, one thread stood out for its subtle, yet profound, impact on my professional journey — excessive trust in others. 🤝 Initially, my unwavering trust in colleagues and clients alike stemmed from a genuine belief in the goodness of people and the team spirit. However, this unguarded trust often blurred the lines between professional naivety and sincere faith in others’ intentions and capabilities.

The realization that not everyone shared the same commitment to honesty and integrity was a bitter pill to swallow. Projects derailed, deadlines were missed, and unfortunately, the hard-earned reputation of my team and I was sometimes compromised. It was a series of hard knocks that taught me the importance of discernment, of setting realistic expectations, and of the critical need to communicate boundaries clearly.

Learning to strike a balance between trust and professional skepticism was akin to learning a new language. It involved asking more questions, verifying information, and understanding that trust in a professional setting is not given freely — it’s built, tested, and maintained. This journey taught me that trust is not about expecting others to never make mistakes but about creating an environment where mistakes are acknowledged, learned from, and rectified.

Conclusion: Embracing Mistakes as Lessons

Reflecting on the mosaic of experiences that my 20s offered, each mistake, each stumble, and each moment of doubt contributed to a larger picture of growth and self-discovery. 🌼 From the health gambles and unchecked ambition to the challenges of setting boundaries and the lessons in professionalism, each story represents a step in the journey of embracing my flawed, human self.

Learning to forgive myself for these missteps was not an act of resignation but a powerful declaration of self-love and acceptance. It was a recognition that growth is not linear, that success is not measured by the absence of failure, but by our ability to rise, to learn, and to continue moving forward with resilience and grace.

To you, dear reader, navigating the complexities of your own journey, remember that the beauty of life lies in its unpredictability, in the rich tapestry of experiences that shape us. Embrace your mistakes, not as marks of failure, but as badges of courage, as evidence of your willingness to try, to push boundaries, and to live fully.

Let us forgive ourselves and others, for it is in forgiveness that we find peace and the strength to continue our journey of self-improvement and discovery. Let us commit to a life of continuous learning, not just from our successes but from every misstep along the way.

So, here’s to embracing our journey, to learning from each twist and turn, and to walking into the future with confidence, curiosity, and an open heart. The path to a richer, more fulfilled life is paved with the lessons we learn from our mistakes. Let’s take that path together, with resilience, compassion, and a steadfast belief in our ability to grow. 🌱✨



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