Talking Slowly: 5 Steps to Opening Your Heart in a Fast-paced Life

10 min readJan 7, 2024


In this fast-paced world, how can we create in-depth conversations that yield meaning and insight? “Slowly Talking” is not only an art of words but also a way to open up, share and understand. From listening to yourself to being grateful to the other person, let’s explore 5 important steps to create sincere and profound conversations. What difference will you see when you apply these steps to your daily life?

Chapter 1: Listening to Yourself

Hey there! 🌟 Let’s dive into something super important, yet often overlooked: listening to our own emotions. Ever feel like you’re on a rollercoaster of feelings, but can’t quite figure out what’s going on inside? Well, you’re not alone!

The Importance of Tuning into Our Feelings

First off, why is listening to our emotions so crucial? Imagine driving a car without paying attention to the dashboard. You wouldn’t know if you’re running out of fuel or if the engine’s overheating, right? Similarly, our emotions are like indicators on the dashboard of our life. They tell us when we’re doing great, or when we need to take a breather.

For example, have you ever snapped at someone and later realized you were just really stressed or tired? That’s your emotions trying to tell you something. By tuning in, we can understand ourselves better and handle situations more wisely.

How to Listen to Yourself

Now, how do we start listening to these inner signals? It’s simpler than you think!

  1. Pause and Reflect: Take a moment to stop and ask yourself, “How am I feeling right now?” Is your heart racing with excitement or are you feeling a bit down? Recognizing your emotional state is the first step.
  2. Body Talk: Our bodies often mirror our emotions. A tight chest might mean anxiety, while a relaxed posture could indicate calmness. Paying attention to these physical signs can give you clues about your emotional state.
  3. Emotion Journaling: Ever tried writing down your feelings? It’s a fantastic way to track your emotions and patterns. Over time, you’ll start to see trends and understand what triggers certain emotions.

Applying It to Real Life

Let’s put this into a real-life context. Say you’re about to have a tough conversation with a friend. By checking in with your emotions first, you might realize you’re actually pretty nervous. Knowing this, you can approach the conversation more calmly, explaining your feelings instead of letting them drive the conversation.

Remember, emotions are not our enemies. They’re messengers, guiding us through the ups and downs of life. By listening to them, we become more self-aware and in control of our actions. So next time you’re feeling something, take a moment to listen. You might just discover something amazing about yourself! 💭🌈

Chapter 2: Start Softly

Hello again! 😊 Ready to explore how to create a comfy atmosphere for deep talks? Let’s jump in!

Understanding Eastern Culture and Serious Conversations

In many Asian cultures, sitting down for a serious chat often means something’s up. It’s like, “Uh-oh, did I do something wrong?” So, people might see these heart-to-heart talks as stressful or negative. But hey, they don’t have to be!

Making Conversations Comfortable and Inviting

How do we switch this around and make deep talks feel more like a cozy chat by the fireplace? Here are some tips:

  1. Start with Light Topics: Begin with something everyone can relate to. Like, “Isn’t it crazy how we all love the smell of rain?” It’s a simple, shared experience that opens doors for deeper conversations.
  2. Use Humor: A little laughter can break the ice. Maybe share a funny story about yourself. It shows you’re human and sets a relaxed tone.
  3. Non-Verbal Cues: Smile, maintain eye contact, and nod to show you’re engaged. It’s like saying, “I’m here with you, and I’m interested in what you have to say.”

The Role of Group Activities

Ever noticed how games can bring people closer? They’re awesome for creating a relaxed environment. Here’s how:

  1. Simple Games: Think of games that encourage sharing, like “Two Truths and a Lie.” It’s fun and can reveal interesting things about each other.
  2. Creative Activities: Maybe a group painting session? It’s a chill way to engage and opens up new topics like, “Hey, what does this painting make you feel?”
  3. Team Challenges: Working together to solve a puzzle or win a game creates a sense of unity. It’s easier to talk about deeper stuff when you’ve just tackled a challenge together.

Bringing It All Together

Imagine you’re at a gathering, and after a few fun games, everyone’s laughing and sharing stories. Now, the stage is set. It’s the perfect time to delve into more meaningful conversations. You’ve created a space where people feel comfortable, not just with each other, but with the idea of opening up. That’s the magic of starting gently.

Chapter 3: State Your Intentions

Hey there, wonderful reader! 🌼 Let’s dive into a super crucial part of deep conversations — sharing your intentions upfront. This step is like setting the GPS before a road trip; it helps everyone know where we’re headed!

The Importance of Sharing Intentions

Picture this: You’re about to have a heart-to-heart with a friend. If you start talking without explaining why, they might get the wrong idea. They could think, “Why is this happening? Is something wrong?” But, if you begin by saying, “I just want to share something that’s been on my mind,” it’s like opening a clear, calm path for the conversation.

How to Share Your Intentions

So, how do we effectively share our intentions? Here are some easy steps:

  1. Be Clear and Honest: Just like in a game of catch, you want to throw your thoughts clearly so the other person can catch them easily. Say something like, “I need to talk about something that’s been bothering me,” or “I’d love to understand more about your experience with this.”
  2. Set a Positive Tone: Your tone can set the mood. A gentle, respectful tone says, “This is a safe space.”
  3. Invite Openness: Encourage them to share too. Say, “I’d really appreciate your thoughts on this,” or “Feel free to share your views too!”

The Impact of Clear Intentions

Sharing intentions builds trust. It’s like giving someone a map to your thoughts. They’ll understand where you’re coming from, which means less confusion and more meaningful conversations.

Imagine you’re discussing a sensitive topic. By stating your intention to understand and support, not to judge or argue, you create a space where both of you feel safe to open up. This way, even tough topics become bridges, not barriers.

Wrapping It Up

So, next time you’re gearing up for a deep chat, remember to share your intentions first. It’s like turning on the light in a dark room — suddenly, everything becomes clearer and friendlier. Let’s make our conversations count, shall we? 🌟

Chapter 4: How to Ask Questions and Respond

Hello again, dear reader! 👋 Let’s explore the art of asking questions and responding in conversations. It’s like being a detective in the world of emotions and thoughts, gently uncovering truths and connecting deeper.

Asking Questions That Spark Conversation

Asking the right questions can turn a simple chat into an insightful experience. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open-Ended Questions: These are the golden keys that unlock more than just ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. Try asking, “What’s your happiest memory?” instead of “Are you a happy person?” It invites sharing and shows you really want to listen.
  2. Follow-Up Questions: These show you’re engaged and interested. If someone mentions they love painting, ask, “What’s your favorite thing to paint?” It takes the conversation a step further.
  3. Empathetic Queries: Show you care by asking questions that resonate with their feelings. For example, “That sounds challenging. How did you feel about it?”

Responding with Understanding and Compassion

How we respond can either open the door for more sharing or shut it down. Here are some tips to keep it open:

  1. Active Listening: Nod your head, maintain eye contact, and give little verbal cues like “Mhm” or “I see.” It encourages the speaker to continue.
  2. Empathy Over Sympathy: Instead of saying, “I’m sorry you went through that,” try “That must have been really hard for you.” It shows you’re trying to understand their experience rather than just pitying them.
  3. Avoid Interrupting: Let them finish their thoughts. It’s not just about waiting for your turn to speak but truly hearing them out.

Dealing with Self-Criticism

When someone is self-critical, it’s a delicate moment. Here’s how to handle it:

  1. Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their feelings without judgment. Saying something like, “It sounds like you’re really hard on yourself,” helps them feel heard.
  2. Gentle Guidance: Instead of outright disagreeing, guide them to see a different perspective. Ask, “What would you tell a friend who said the same about themselves?”
  3. Encourage Reflection: Help them explore the root of these feelings with questions like, “What makes you feel this way?”

Remember, the way we ask and respond in conversations can build bridges of understanding. It’s about making the other person feel seen and heard. So next time you’re in a deep conversation, keep these tips in mind, and watch how the magic unfolds! 🌟

Chapter 5: Expressing Gratitude

Hello again, lovely reader! 💖 Now, let’s talk about something really heartwarming — expressing gratitude in our conversations. It’s like adding a cherry on top of a delightful sundae; it makes everything so much better!

The Essence of Gratitude in Conversations

Saying thank you is more than just good manners. It’s a way of acknowledging the other person’s value and the beauty of your connection. Imagine this: You’ve just had a deep, meaningful conversation. Wrapping it up with a heartfelt “Thank you for sharing that with me” is like wrapping a gift with a beautiful ribbon. It shows you cherish the moment and the person.

How to Express Gratitude Authentically

  1. Be Specific: Instead of a simple “Thanks,” say what exactly you’re thankful for. Like, “I’m really grateful you trusted me with your story about your journey.”
  2. Acknowledge Their Effort: Recognize the effort they’ve made in opening up. “I appreciate your courage in being so open and honest.”
  3. Make It Personal: Share how their words impacted you. “Your perspective has really given me a lot to think about. Thank you for broadening my view.”

The Positive Impact of Gratitude

Expressing gratitude does wonders! It strengthens bonds, builds trust, and creates a warm, supportive environment. It’s like planting seeds of kindness in your relationship garden. These seeds grow into beautiful flowers of mutual respect and care.

A Real-Life Scenario

Picture this: You’re talking to a friend about some challenges you’re facing. They listen, offer support, and share their own experiences. Ending this conversation with, “Thank you for being there for me and for your invaluable advice,” makes them feel appreciated and valued. It turns a good conversation into a memorable one.

Remember, gratitude is the glue that holds our connections together. It turns conversations into treasured memories and deepens our relationships. So, let’s sprinkle our talks with thankfulness and watch our relationships bloom beautifully! 🌼💕

Conclusion: Apply and Share Lessons

The Importance of Practicing These Steps

Just like learning to play an instrument or mastering a new sport, getting good at deep conversations takes practice. Each of the five steps we’ve discussed is like a muscle — the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.

  1. Listening to Yourself: Understand your own emotions and thoughts first. It’s like setting the stage for a beautiful play.
  2. Creating a Comfortable Atmosphere: Whether it’s through humor, shared activities, or just a warm smile, make the conversation welcoming.
  3. Sharing Your Intentions: Clarity at the beginning avoids misunderstandings and builds trust.
  4. Asking and Responding: The right questions and empathetic responses keep the dialogue flowing and meaningful.
  5. Expressing Gratitude: This not only shows appreciation but also reinforces the bond between you and the other person.

Encouraging Practice and Sharing

Now, it’s your turn to take these steps into your daily life. Try them out in small talks with friends or in more serious discussions with family. Each conversation is an opportunity to grow.

And don’t keep these insights to yourself! Share them with others. Maybe discuss this article with a friend or start a conversation about how meaningful interactions have changed you. Spread the knowledge, and watch as it transforms not just your conversations, but also those around you.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the goal isn’t to be perfect in every talk but to be present, genuine, and open-hearted. Every conversation is a journey, and sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the most beautiful destinations. So, go ahead, open your heart, listen deeply, and let your conversations be the bridges to more profound connections and understanding.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! Here’s to conversations that not only share words but also share worlds. 🌍💬✨

